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Influencers provide most of the work: Creatives, Story Photos, etc…
SPRINGme is the middle management role, assisting influencers to communicate and provide more effective solutions for brand promotion.
When situations become more complicated, SPRINGme can provide influencers a full campaign service to solve marketing problems they may face. Providing new insight data and delivering a stronger message to the right target audience.
Full Campaidn
We are the payment solution you are looking for!
Complex and confusing payment conditions won’t be a big deal for you anymore. Whether it's prepaying before work, no credit terms for agencies or paying to reserve a queue. SPRINGme will manage all influencer payment conditions for you.
Reach larger audiences by using SPRINGme media services to boost performance. We will enhance your campaign by sending your content to the right target audience within your controlled budget.
SPRINGme finishes the whole or part of production process.
As we understand influencers’ style, we will arrange and adapt our creative ideas to match with your campaign so influencers feel more comfortable working with us.
Content & Production
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